Name | Institution |
Ignatios Antoniadis
Sorbonne University, France |
Paul S. Aspinwall
Duke University, Durham, USA |
Constantin Bachas
Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris, France |
Martin Beneke
TU Muenchen, Germany |
Micha Berkooz
Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel |
Zvi Bern
University of California, Los Angeles, USA |
Johan Bijnens
Lund University |
Robert H. Brandenberger
McGill University, Montreal, Canada |
Ruth Britto
Trinity College Dublin, Ireland |
Wilfried Buchmuller
DESY, Hamburg, Germany |
Andrea Cappelli
INFN - Florence, Italy |
Zackaria Chacko
University of Maryland, USA |
Eric D'Hoker
Uinversity of California, Los Angeles, USA |
Ulf Danielsson
Uppsala University, Sweden |
Michael Dine
University of California, Santa Cruz, USA |
Lance Dixon
SLAC, Menlo Park, California, USA |
Patrick Dorey
Durham University, UK |
Roberto Emparan
ICREA, University of Barcelona, Spain |
Johanna Erdmenger
Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg, Germany |
Adam Falkowski
LPT Orsay, France |
Matthias Gaberdiel
ETH, Zuerich, Switzerland |
Davide Gaiotto
Perimeter Institute, Ontario, Canada |
Jerome Gauntlett
Imperial College London, UK |
Belen Gavela
IFT, Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain |
Thomas Gehrmann
University of Zurich, Switzerland |
Amit Giveon
University of Jerusalem, Israel |
Maria Concepcion Gonzalez-Garcia
YITP Stony Brook and ICREA U. Barcelona |
Christophe Grojean
DESY and Humboldt University, Germany |
Sergei Gukov
California Institute of Technology, USA |
Marc Henneaux
Universitý libre de Bruxelles, Belgium and Collýge de France, Paris, France |
Luis Ibanez
Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain |
Daniel L. Jafferis
Harvard University, USA |
Karl Jakobs
University of Freiburg |
Andreas Karch
University of Texas, Austin, USA |
Igor Klebanov
Princeton University, New Jersey, USA |
Zohar Komargodski
Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel |
Kenichi Konishi
University of Pisa, Italy |
Charlotte Kristjansen
Niels Bohr Institute, Denmark |
Dieter Luest
Max-Planck-Institut fýr Physik, Munich, Germany |
Kirill Melnikov
TTP, KIT, Germany |
Harvey B. Meyer
Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany |
Viatcheslav Mukhanov
LMU, Munich, Germany |
Sunil Mukhi
IISER, Pune, India |
Robert Myers
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics |
Nikita Nekrasov
Simons Center for Geometry and Physics Stony Brook, USA |
Herbert Neuberger
Rutgers University, USA |
Matthias Neubert
Mainz, University, Germany |
Ulrich Nierste
TTP Karlsruhe, Germany |
Carlos Nunez
Swansea University, UK |
Jim Olsen
Princeton University, USA |
Hugh Osborn
University of Cambridge, UK |
Yaron Oz
Tel-Aviv University, Ramat Aviv, Israel |
Antonio Pich
IFIC, Spain |
Ronen Plesser
Duke University, USA |
Massimo Porrati
New York University, USA |
Silviu Pufu
Princeton University, USA |
Eliezer Rabinovici
University of Jerusalem, Israel |
Krishna Rajagopal
MIT, Cambridge, USA |
Leonardo Rastelli
C.N. Yang Institute for Theoretical Physics, Stony Brook, USA |
Shlomo S. Razamat
Technion, Israel |
Harvey Reall
University of Cambridge, UK |
Soo-Jong Rey
Seoul National University, Korea |
Werner Rodejohann
Max-Planck-Institut fur Kernphysik, Heidelberg, Germany |
Esteban Roulet
CNEA, San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina |
Joshua Ruderman
New York University, USA |
Shinsei Ryu
Princeton University, USA |
Volker Schomerus
DESY, Hamburg, Germany |
Adam Schwimmer
Weizmann Institute, Rehovot, Israel |
Stephen Sharpe
University of Washington, USA |
German Sierra
IFT, Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain |
Alexei Y. Smirnov
ICTP, Trieste, Italy |
Dam Thanh Son
University of Chicago, USA |
Matthias Staudacher
Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany |
achille stocchi
IJCLab / Université Paris-Saclay - CNRS |
Shigeki Sugimoto
Kyoto University |
Jesse Thaler
MIT, Cambridge, USA |
Stefan Theisen
Albert Einstein Institute, Potsdam, Germany |
David Tong
University of Cambridge, UK |
Angel Uranga
IFT-UAM/CSIC Madrid, Spain |
Phillip Urquijo
University of Melbourne, Australia |
Pierre Vanhove
CEA-Saclay and IHES, Bures-sur-Yvette, France |
Erik Verlinde
University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands |
Pedro Vieira
Perimeter Institute, Ontario, Canada and ICTP-SAIFR |
Tomer Volansky
Tel-Aviv University, Israel |
Urs Wiedemann
CERN, Geneva, Switzerland |
Guy Wilkinson
University of Oxford, UK |
Xi Yin
Harvard University, USA |
Alberto Zaffaroni
University of Milano Bicocca, Italy |
Giulia Zanderighi
Max Planck Institute for Physics, Germany |
Konstantin Zarembo
Nordita, Stockholm, Sweden |
Alexander Zhiboedov
CERN, Geneva, Switzerland |
HuaXing Zhu
Peking University, China |
Fabio Zwirner
University of Padua, Italy |
Name | Institution |
Mike Albrow
Fermilab, Chicago, USA |
Guido Altarelli
CERN, Geneva, Switzerland |
Jan Ambjorn
Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen, Denmark |
Olivier Babelon
LPTHE- CNRS - University of Paris, France |
Jonathan Bagger
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA |
Riccardo Barbieri
Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Italy |
Steven W. Barwick
University of California, Irvine, USA |
Enrico Bellotti
LNGS-INFN, L'Aquila, Italy |
Lars Bergström
Stockholm University, Sweden |
Kfir Blum
Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel |
Augusto Ceccucci
CERN, Geneva, Switzerland |
John Dainton
Cockcroft Institute, Liverpool, UK |
Bernard de Wit
Utrecht University, Netherlands |
Michael R. Douglas
Simons Center / Stony Brook University |
Boris Dubrovin
SISSA, Trieste, Italy |
Michael J. Duff
Imperial College London, UK |
Tohru Eguchi
Rikkyo University, Japan |
Gian Francesco Giudice
CERN, Geneva, Switzerland |
Sean A. Hartnoll
University of Cambridge |
Beate Heinemann
DESY and University of Freiburg, Germany |
Mans Henningson
University of Gothenburg, Goteborg, Sweden |
Christopher Herzog
King's College London, UK |
Shamit Kachru
Stanford University, California, USA |
Renata Kallosh
Marc Kamionkowski
California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, USA |
David Kutasov
University of Chicago, USA |
Hong Liu
MIT, Cambridge, USA |
Martin Luescher
Juan M. Maldacena
Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, USA |
Michelangelo Mangano
CERN, Geneva, Switzerland |
William Marciano
Brookhaven National Lab, Upton, USA |
V. Parameswaran Nair
City College of the CUNY, New York, USA |
Tatsuya Nakada
CERN, Geneva, Switzerland |
Mihoko Nojiri
KEK, Ibaraki, Japan |
Hirosi Ooguri
California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, USA |
Boris Pioline
LPTHE, CNRS & Universite Pierre et Marie Curie, France |
Pierre Ramond
University of Florida, Gainesville, USA |
Lisa Randall
Harvard University, Cambridge, USA |
Riccardo Rattazzi
EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland |
Vladimir Rittenberg
University of Bonn, Germany |
Gigi Rolandi
CERN, Geneva, Switzerland and Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Italy |
Robert Roser
Fermilab, Chicago, USA |
Hector Rubinstein
Uppsala University, Sweden |
Slava Rychkov
Kareljan Schoutens
University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands |
Eva Silverstein
Stanford University |
George Sterman
Physics and Astronomy, Stony Brook University, USA |
Massimo Testa
INFN, Roma, Italy |
Yoji Totsuka
University of Tokyo, Japan |
Bryan Webber
University of Cambridge, UK |
Jan Zaanen
Lorentz Institute, Leiden, The Netherlands |
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