| general | timing for processing contributions | submission | | refereeing | decision | after acceptance | | after a request for revision | after rejection | author's inquiries and appeals | |
General |
The entire editorial procedure for a contribution - from submission to publication - is automatic and carried out electronically. It is required to provide an ArXiv id to submit an article to the journal. Authors, editors, referees run their specific stages of the editorial procedure through personal web pages, which are automatically updated in real time as soon as new events occur. Authors can access their personal page where they can check the status of their preprints throughout the editorial procedure and communicate with the Editorial Office and with the editor in charge of the preprint. Referees also operate from a personal page where they can read and download the preprints to be reviewed, upload their reports and communicate with the Editorial Office. From their personal pages editors can read and download preprints, select referees, communicate with the Editorial Office and make their decisions about the preprints. In every page there are buttons for internal communication. Users should ALWAYS use these tools instead of normal e-mail. These messages will be saved in the database and associated to the document they refer to. One can find them in the "correspondence" section in every document page. |
Timing for processing contributions |
JHEP aims at reducing time for processing papers with
respect to traditional journals. The following table gives estimates
for the different stages in the review procedure. Naturally they are
intended as a guideline, as scientific quality and relevance will have
priority over speed.
Submission |
Authors submit their manuscripts via the Internet, from the JHEP website at SISSA. They can either upload the necessary files or download them from the arXiv. At the time of submission the preprint receives a preprint number which identifies it throughout the editorial procedure (fig. 1). Figure 1. Preprint number After submission the system automatically assigns the preprint to the appropriate editor according to the keywords chosen by the authors to characterise their work. To submit preprints authors must carefully follow the instructions given in the section "for Authors." Please note that submitting a preprint implies the acceptance of the Open-Access and Copyright Terms. |
Refereeing |
The JHEP refereeing procedure is based on the traditional peer review system in which an editor receives the submitted preprint, examines it, asks a number of referees for an opinion, and then decides accordingly. The confidentiality of both the submission and the identity of the referee are guaranteed. |
Decision |
Editors make their decision according to the JHEP editorial policy. They are ultimately responsible for deciding about preprints, although their decision is generally supported by one or more referees. As a rule preprints are processed as quickly as possible, in proportion to the time required to evaluate their scientific quality. |
After acceptance |
Authors of accepted contributions are requested to accept the Open Access and Copyright Terms as soon as possible. After they have been accepted, contributions are formatted according to the JHEP style. Authors can then proofread them. After correction, contributions are sent for publication. Please note that if authors send no feed-back within 7 days from notification of the proofreading contributions are published by Springer. At the time of publication, contributions are assigned a definitive number (fig. 2) which can be used for bibliographic reference. Figure 2. Definitive number If, on the other hand, authors decide to reject the Open Access and Copyright Terms, their preprint is archived and will not be published in JHEP . Published contributions are made available at the Springer website in PDF format according to the gold open access scheme, as well as in the author's pages at SISSA website. Published contributions can be updated adding links to errata or addenda. |
After a request for revision |
If the editor requires a revision, authors must tend to the modifications requested and provide a new version of their preprint and a cover letter within 90 days for major revisions and 30 days for minor revisions. Authors may ask the editor-in-charge to extend these deadlines if strictly necessary. Revised versions are submitted by the authors directly from their preprint page. They are then reviewed again before a final decision or a further round of revision. |
After rejection |
Contributions are selected, processed and reviewed as fairly as possible, with no discrimination, by active scientists in the field. Authors of contributions that have been rejected can appeal and reply to the editor and referee(s). Appeals must be scientifically justified and not polemic. Please send your rebuttal letters by connecting to the preprint page and using the "write to Editorial Office" button. |
Author inquiries |
Although the identity of editors is anonymous, authors can communicate at all times with them through the appropriate "write to editor" button on their pages, or through the Editorial Office. |